Don't leave your investments to chance. Let LAGOON be your guide to a clearer, brighter investment future.

Based on real market data

Precise Market Reporting

Our offer

Standard Reporting

Our standard reporting service meticulously analyzes comparable projects on the market, considering vital factors such as bedroom count, bathroom number, guest capacity, location, and tier category

The report include :

General Market Performance

Similar Properties Breakdown

Occupancy Rate

Average Daily Rate

Potential Revenue

Amenities review

Real Market Insight Projection

Return On Investment projection

Break even analysis

Premium Reporting

Our advanced reporting service is where data-driven accuracy meets innovative foresight. We provide a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics and trends highlighting demand and seasons.

All the features of the Standard Reporting and more :

The last 12 months of monthly revenue

The precise market daily rates of the last 12 months

The market daily rate of the next 6 months

The daily rate of booked properties for the next

6 months

Invaluable insight of the future market

Data-driven clarity

We turn question marks into confident decisions strong of our analysis, AI-Driven tools and predictive algorithms.

Real Estate Insight

In the dynamic world of real estate, having a clear, comprehensive, and data-driven understanding of the market is the cornerstone of successful investments.

At LAGOON, we pride ourselves on offering a market analysis reporting service that dives deep into current trends, historical data, and forward-looking predictions.

Our analysis provides a detailed, insightful, and actionable roadmap for investors and developers alike.


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Your next step: Villa Management

Embrace the ease of entrusting your property to experts.

Our comprehensive management solutions ensure your villa not only thrives as a lucrative investment but also guarantees an unforgettable experience for guests.

From meticulous maintenance and guest care to market-driven pricing strategies, every aspect of your villa is managed with precision.

Make it a reality and take your next step with us, transform the way you think about villa management.

Our sophisticated analysis tools and predictive algorithms demystify the market trends and patterns, turning question marks into confident decisions.